+255 764 804 211

Tanzania Heritage Foundation

Non-profit organization

The Organization is autonomous, non-profit-making, non-partisan, and a body corporate capable of carrying out research, education, advocacy and when necessary, legal action. The Tanzania Heritage Foundation (THF) works with all willing parties to build a better future, by understanding and learning from our past and applying proven methods to preserve our special culture – threatened by globalization -- and protect our sensitive natural resources. The THF establishes an inventory of threatened heritage resources, including important natural areas and historic places and structures that helped shape the nation’s identity.
To promote and facilitate education at the community level and carry out lobbying and advocacy activities to relevant local, national and international authorities for preservation and conservation of heritage and biodiversity.
THF envisions a Tanzanian community in which both natural and cultural heritage is preserved and conserved for social and economic development.

Meet Our Team

Awesome people behind the foundation

Team Image

Arpakwa Ole Sikorei
